jaEpithese course
Recreate the body and mind.
Course information
Instructor Profile

- Chief of 'Medical Lab K' in HAGIWARA-SHIKEN Inc.
Half-yearly system
Start in Oct.
Two days on Sat. and Sun. in a month
All 12 days
sat 13:00-18:00
Epithese is an aesthetic recovery of physical deficits caused by birth defects, injuries caused by accidents, trauma such as cancer and the like (resection), and medical devices designed to support patients' healthy reintegration I will point it.
The patient feels mental distress often from a sense of loss due to a physical deficit, but also has a large aspect of being released from mental suffering as well as restoration of appearance by wearing epithese.
In dentistry, maxillofacial prosthesis is representative, but in this course not only the maxillofacial but also other parts are actually molded using the technology and terminology of dental technicians. By attending this course, you will master epithese skills useful for clinical use.